vintage film stocks



A conceptual project for a film stock company.


Designed using Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, WordPress, and Elementor.


I came up with the idea to create a film stock brand from scratch to test. It took me a few weeks to finish.

Design Goals

bright, cheeky and easy going brand.

I wanted this design to feel fun and nostalgic in a way. Film photography is coming back again to the mainstream and I felt a lot of brands are very “serious.” I wanted to go the opposite way.

the idea

Initially I came up with the idea for a shirt that said “your grandma’s favorite photographer.” Almost immediately after that I was shooting film and the two clicked. I thought it would be really fun to try and flesh out a whole brand with the premise of grandparents and film stocks and that retro feel.


I started off the design with looking for typography for the branding. I looked at several before deciding to go with Hobeaux for the headings and logo, obviously for the body, and Franklin Gothic ATF Italic for sone extra diversity where it was needed.

Along with choosing the fonts I also edited some of the typeface to fit more with the logo I was making and different parts to fit the feel of the brand.

logo design/color

With typography out of the way I began brainstorming different logos that I could make for this brand. I wanted it to be based out of CA (Where I currently live) and to match the typography (no brainer).


With the main ideas for the logos I then chose a color palette. It started as blue and red/pink but I wanted to stay away from it feeling like it had gender, and thought green better matched nature/some bodies of water that I see here in Monterey.


After coming up with the final logo designs I then began creating mockups of each of the products the brand was going to “sell.”

This constisted of: 

– 35mm black and white/color negative film

– A five pack of each

-120mm black and white/color negative film

-A five pack of each of those as well.

I wanted to make sure I had multiple different versions of banners for the site, as well as different angles for each of the different film stocks.


With the mockups done I decided to create a website on a subdomain.


I tried to complete is as fast as possible. There are a few things I would continue to add though. Product pages for each with each of the different options for how many you would like. Merchandise, (which I actually may make and sell) and different types of film other than 35mm and 120mm.


Overall this was a really fun exercise.